Lisa Tucker
Nineteen years ago, a famous filmmaker disappeared from Los Angeles, taking his two children to a desolate corner of New Mexico. There he raised them in complete isolation, no television, computer, radio, or newspaper. Now, Dorothea, the man's twenty-three year old daughter, is leaving for the first time to search for her missing brother. In the outside world Dorothea meets Stephen Spaulding, a cab driver dealing with his own mysterious history. With...
Atria Books
Pub. Date
"Together for over a decade, Kyra and David Winter are happier than they ever thought they could be. They have a comfortable home, stable careers, and a young son, Michael, whom they love more than anything. Yet because of their complicated histories, Kyra and David have always feared that this domestic bliss couldn't last -- that the life they created was destined to be disrupted. And on one perfectly average summer day, it is: Michael disappears...